Wednesday May 03, 2023

Episode 17: Re-Envisioning vs Revising

In this episode:

  • Christy and Sharon discussed the importance of re-envisioning and revising a manuscript to ensure that it achieves the author's intended point. They emphasized the need to take a step back and look at the big picture, focusing on character arc, plot structure, and other key elements.
  • Christy and Sharon discussed the importance of taking a break from a manuscript to gain distance and perspective, allowing the subconscious to work out the story's components. They emphasized the need to focus on the story's vision and purpose rather than getting bogged down in minor details.
  • Sharon and Christy discussed various tools and methods for identifying what's working and what's not in a manuscript, such as the Stoplight Method, Hierarchy of Editorial Needs, Inside Outline, and synopsis. They emphasized the importance of taking a step back and looking at the big picture before focusing on line-level perfection.
  • Christy and Sharon discussed the importance of doing an inventory of scenes and subplots in a manuscript before revising. They emphasized the need to re-envision the story and make intentional changes that serve the story, even if it means discarding beloved scenes or ideas.
  • Sharon and Christy discussed the importance of revising a manuscript by focusing on the big picture elements such as plot, character development, and structure before moving on to line editing and polishing. They emphasized the need to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and to not get caught up in perfectionism.
  • Sharon and Christy discussed revisioning and shared tools and tips for writers to improve their manuscripts, including a worksheet and a spreadsheet. They emphasized the importance of finding the right tools and processes that work for each individual writer.

Resources Mentioned:

Sharon's Manuscript Triage and First-Aid Basics:

Christy's Story Map Template:


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For more information about Sharon Skinner, visit or follow her on Instagram @sharon_skinner_author_bookcoach and Twitter @SharonSkinner56.

For more information about Christy Yaros, visit or follow her on Instagram and Twitter @ChristyYaros.

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